For Better healing process for our In-patients, we follow the guidelines provided by the nutritionist and offer the Breakfast, Meals and dinner. On regular basis we change the menu according to the doctor’s recommendations. Our trained cooking staff prepares the food with high values of the nutrition’s that will boost the immune system of the patients which will help them for speedy recovery from the illness.
Not only for patients, we also offer varieties of food for Attendants, Doctors and regular Staff. Also, we provide guest trays for those who are attending the patients in the patient’s rooms.
For the smooth flow of operations in hospital kitchens, we provide superior quality kitchen equipment enabling the kitchen staff to deliver timely services to patients.
Each and every member of our cafeteria staff has been trained professionally in serving the patients.
We understand the importance of good and hygienic food; hence we maintain our own cafeteria to serve the patients and guests. Apart, we ensure regular pest control in our cafeteria and the cafeteria staff maintains best hygiene.